In-between spaces of learning is a module created specifically for RASL students in their fourth year to explore their own educational backgrounds and familiarise themselves with alternative ways of learning and knowing.

RASL ( stands for the Rotterdam Arts & Sciences Lab, which is a platform that brings together Rotterdam-based institutions Codarts University of the Arts, Erasmus University and Willem de Kooning Academy in order to exchange knowledge on education and research as well as offer students innovative education in which arts and sciences are combined.

During the module, you will explore various in-between spaces to acquaint yourself with other ways of knowing that are not usually accessible in the institution. We will engage with embodied knowledges and explore how our bodies rather than just our minds can take part in research, we will peer into different practices shunned from academia such as spirituality and the emotional, and we will take a critical look at how institutions grade us. Different guests will be invited to bring you to their worlds and lead by example towards unfamiliar ways of learning. Tools such as friendly stalking, auto-ethnography, field-research and close-reading will be very useful during our exploration.
The goal of the module is to give RASL students a space beyond their respective institutions in which they can explore how their separate practices can intertwine and to give them tools to question and rethink their institutional bounds.

In-between the various practices, you will formulate and conduct your own individual project and thereby explore your own positioning as a Dual Degree student and future practitioner.

Through this module you will be encouraged to explore alternative knowledges. During the first half of the module various workshops, guest lectures and close readings will be organized on themes such as embodied knowledge, the spiritual and psyche and rethinking education and learning.

As each project of each student will take on a different route, the second half of the module will be shaping itself to whatever students may need by bringing in their own (reading) materials and potential guests or visits. As a group we will converse and collectively reflect, giving us new insights for moving forward.

Alongside your projects, we will also critically reflect on how we are usually assessed. You will define your own learning outcome and assessment criteria and together we will conceptualise how works produced in the in-between spaces of learning can be evaluated.

All in all the module requires a willingness to go beyond the current institutional bounds, a commitment to self-directed learning and a curious mind to question and rethink what education may look like.
In-between spaces of learning is a module created specifically for RASL students in their fourth year to explore their own educational backgrounds and familiarise themselves with alternative ways of learning and knowing.

RASL ( stands for the Rotterdam Arts & Sciences Lab, which is a platform that brings together Rotterdam-based institutions Codarts University of the Arts, Erasmus University and Willem de Kooning Academy in order to exchange knowledge on education and research as well as offer students innovative education in which arts and sciences are combined.

During the module, you will explore various in-between spaces to acquaint yourself with other ways of knowing that are not usually accessible in the institution. We will engage with embodied knowledges and explore how our bodies rather than just our minds can take part in research, we will peer into different practices shunned from academia such as spirituality and the emotional, and we will take a critical look at how institutions grade us. Different guests will be invited to bring you to their worlds and lead by example towards unfamiliar ways of learning. Tools such as friendly stalking, auto-ethnography, field-research and close-reading will be very useful during our exploration.